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Inspiration For The New Year

The celebration of Christmas is over and the snow continues to fall as I sit at the kitchen table all cozy in my in-laws house in Michigan. I'm so grateful for the warm shelter over the last few days as I'm sure you are too. It's been a time to rest and chill, but my mind already begins to wonder into the upcoming new year and how I want to approach it. Do you make new year's goals? Not just for the month of January but year long goals?

I like to start with picking a word of the year to guide me. Words like persistence, acceptance, boundaries, communicate, elevate are great examples and the internet is full of hundreds of others. Picking a word that inspires you, motivates you and pushes you have a big impact on your habits and choices if you put it somewhere visible to guide you throughout the year.

This year I've selected a phrase. My phrase is "follow through". I've discovered I get distracted very easily since I stopped working a 8-4 job and began working from home but more importantly, I've noticed how it radiates to other areas of my life...because how you do one thing is how you do everything!

So, if you like the idea of picking a word to help guide you through the year or closer to your goals start googling and let your heart lead you to what resonates with you the most! Let me know if this appeals to you and what word or phrase you selected and you might share this with a loved one or friends and inspire someone else to do the same!

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